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25th Amendment
This thread has 20 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 21.
OP | Post 16 made on Monday March 29, 2021 at 02:08
Super Member
January 2003
On March 29, 2021 at 00:17, tomciara said...
Debt upon debt. $2 trillion would have been $5600 for each one of us, but we get a few hundred, while they sent pork to favored cities, favored states, and favored donors.

Well, my husband and I got $2,800. Maybe we'll spend it on ... Pork (chops).

And how come the debt only matters when Democrats are in charge? It was almost a $2 trillion cost for the Trump tax cut which basically went to the top 1%.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
Post 17 made on Monday March 29, 2021 at 19:12
Loyal Member
May 2002
So a family of two should have gotten 11,200. That is, if the relief went to the people who needed relief. You got thrown a bone. Just wanted to ask honest questions. None of this worries you in the least?

BTW, the 1% is only a talking point. There was a tremendous improvement in the standard deduction for all working families, and all tax rates went down. It was a tremendous middle class tax cut. But it’s gone now.

The other things I noted. None of those things concern you at all?
OP | Post 18 made on Monday March 29, 2021 at 21:00
Super Member
January 2003
You continue to operate on completely different sets of numbers and data than what is really going on.

You could start by investigating the real numbers of the COVID relief package as it pertains to parents with children and the money that they will be getting versus what I got. If you'd rather see these families with children continue to live below the poverty level then that says more about you than I could ever do.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
OP | Post 19 made on Monday March 29, 2021 at 21:02
Super Member
January 2003
On March 29, 2021 at 19:12, tomciara said...
BTW, the 1% is only a talking point. There was a tremendous improvement in the standard deduction for all working families, and all tax rates went down. It was a tremendous middle class tax cut. But it’s gone now.

It's gone for the middle class because it was designed to. That was a feature, not a bug. It remains in place for the top earners and large corporations.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
Post 20 made on Tuesday March 30, 2021 at 13:44
Loyal Member
May 2002
So you were thinking that $1400, after being out of work for a year, raises someone above the poverty level? Ignoring the philosophy of whether the government should provide income, $1400 is just a bone and a tease, and has no real effect. For people like you and I, that may not even make a dent in a months worth of expenses.
OP | Post 21 made on Tuesday March 30, 2021 at 23:46
Super Member
January 2003
On March 30, 2021 at 13:44, tomciara said...
So you were thinking that $1400, after being out of work for a year, raises someone above the poverty level?

No. I was referring to the child tax credit which is estimated to cut child poverty by 50%. Please try and improve your reading skills. Please! I was quite clear in what I was describing.

Go here:


Read the whole bill, and tell me the exact parts that you think are so horrible. Is it the help for the unemployed? The improvements to SNAP? Rent relief? Funding for vaccine distribution? Emergency grants for rural health care? Assistance for disadvantaged farmers? School emergency relief fund? Funding for COVID-19 testing & contract tracing? Funding for youth suicide prevention? Assistance for rural housing? Emergency rental assistance & housing vouchers? Funeral assistance? Support for restaurants? [this one is my favorite because a Republican Congressman took credit for it even after voting "no" on the bill!], Infection control support for nursing facilities? Native American health services?

I'll stop there.

If you're so upset about the COVID-19 relief bill, you'll probably go ballistic when you see Joe's infrastructure plans!

Meanwhile, the former guy is saying that the proud boys and the rest were "hugging and kissing" the cops on January 6th! (Every day I thank goodness that the orange blubber-butt is out of office), and it looks like Q-anon might be looking at the wrong people when it comes to child sex trafficking. It's not Tom Hanks, it's Matt Gaetz!
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
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