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Crestron AMS & Touchpanels.....
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 13, 2024 at 21:00
Junior Member
February 2024
Probably a stupid question but I'm relativity new at Crestron programming.

On an Adagio AMS running a 24 room demo program with support for the TPMC-8X-GA Touchpanel, plus others, do the touch panels get there configuration, screens, Etc from the AMS when properly connected and listed in the IP Tables or do the screens have to be separately configured and loaded via simpl?

Can't fo the life of me find an answer to this question.

Post 2 made on Friday February 16, 2024 at 16:08
Long Time Member
June 2004
If youre using Simpl then yes you need to build all the interfaces in VTPro. If you were using the old Adagio Composer software then its all built "automatically" in that. But why on earth are you even using that dinosaur stuff? You could get a 3 series processor and an older TSW panel on Ebay for a few hundred bucks if you really want to learn Simpl.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday February 19, 2024 at 14:33
Junior Member
February 2024

Thanks so much for your reply and info. I'm using the AMS because it was affordable and seems to work well for my needs other than theater mode which I was trying to get a touch panel working for. It says it supports the TPMC-8X panel but couldn't figure out how to load it. Is Adagio Composer still around, if so I could possibly get it working with that. I'm still working with SIMPL and VTPro but at 76 this stuff is a bit hard for me to learn, but I haven't given up yet.

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