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Crestron DM-NVX-350
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Post 1 made on Friday May 5, 2023 at 16:25
Long Time Member
October 2008

I'll start with I'm not a Crestron dealer, so there's no help available there. I'm working with a pair of DM-NVX-350 configured as a point to point encoder/decoder with a touch pad at the encoder. I am able to log in to the web UI and configure each of them, which is a good thing, because when the power goes out, the device on the decoder side of this mess re-configures itself as an encoder/transmitter.

My question is, how does this device retain its configuration? Is the a battery that can be replaced? Is it non-volatile memory that has gone volatile? In the interim I've added a new UPS to this rack specifically for this, but I'd like to find a more permanent solution. The guy at Crestron was as helpful he could be to a non-dealer. I'm thinking this has got to be something simple, or I've got to get a certified dealer involved or replace it all with RTI equipment that I am certified with. TIA for any help or direction.

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