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First go around with Crestron Home - Ra2 integration question
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Post 1 made on Thursday October 29, 2020 at 22:15
Long Time Member
January 2007
We're putting in our first Crestron Home system and I was wondering about Ra2 integration. I was able to get the MC4-R to sort of extract the data from the Ra2 main repeater, and I can see the keypad buttons on the Home interface, but they don't do anything! It's maddening...I can see them, but they don't work.

This has to be something stupid...what am I missing?!

Last edited by SWFLMike on October 31, 2020 09:30.
OP | Post 2 made on Saturday October 31, 2020 at 09:29
Long Time Member
January 2007
To answer my own question, and to hopefully help others in the future...

I missed the part about creating a Telnet login for the Crestron processor in the main repeater. This required extracting the Ra2 program (which we didn't write), making the new login and then uploading it back into the main repeater. We then used those credentials when adding the main repeater to the Crestron Home processor (MC4-R in this case), and after that, it allowed the button presses to actually function.

It is pretty misleading, though, allowing it to add the main repeater, extract the data and even create the buttons on the interface without allowing it to work. I called Crestron tech about it and they didn't know how to help, and their huge Crestron Home document made no mention of it as well. A little disappointing, that one.
Post 3 made on Thursday November 26, 2020 at 06:24
Select Member
February 2009
On October 31, 2020 at 09:29, SWFLMike said...
To answer my own question, and to hopefully help others in the future...

I missed the part about creating a Telnet login for the Crestron processor in the main repeater. This required extracting the Ra2 program (which we didn't write), making the new login and then uploading it back into the main repeater. We then used those credentials when adding the main repeater to the Crestron Home processor (MC4-R in this case), and after that, it allowed the button presses to actually function.

It is pretty misleading, though, allowing it to add the main repeater, extract the data and even create the buttons on the interface without allowing it to work. I called Crestron tech about it and they didn't know how to help, and their huge Crestron Home document made no mention of it as well. A little disappointing, that one.

A good site to get answers is the Crestron Home page on Facebook.

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