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Crestron Fan-Coil Thermostat replacement
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Post 1 made on Saturday October 3, 2020 at 07:19
Long Time Member
April 2005
I have a client who wants to replace these thermostats:


To complicate things they are installed in closets with remote temp/humidity sensors.

I can't seem to find anything that does both Fan-Coil and remote sensors. Does Crestron make these themselves or they are OEM from another company?

Last edited by Krassyg on October 3, 2020 07:36.
Post 2 made on Saturday October 3, 2020 at 14:46
Super Member
March 2008
You'll have to replace the sensors as well as they will only work with Crestron.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday October 4, 2020 at 09:45
Long Time Member
April 2005
On October 3, 2020 at 14:46, kgossen said...
You'll have to replace the sensors as well as they will only work with Crestron.

Won't be problem; I have regular Cat5 going from the T-stats to each sensor. My issue is that I can't find anything that can do fan-coil and remote temp/humidity sensors at the same time. I only found viconics; they look to be geared more towards the commercial market and this is a very high end residential place.
Post 4 made on Thursday October 8, 2020 at 08:47
Select Member
October 2010
On October 4, 2020 at 09:45, Krassyg said...
Won't be problem; I have regular Cat5 going from the T-stats to each sensor. My issue is that I can't find anything that can do fan-coil and remote temp/humidity sensors at the same time. I only found viconics; they look to be geared more towards the commercial market and this is a very high end residential place.

The TSTATEX-FCU HAS remote sensor connections built into the stat (RS1 &RS2). You need to use the Crestron sensors but the connections are there and the quick start guide shows you where to install them...
You can't fix stupid
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday October 18, 2020 at 08:51
Long Time Member
April 2005
On October 8, 2020 at 08:47, SWOInstaller said...
The TSTATEX-FCU HAS remote sensor connections built into the stat (RS1 &RS2). You need to use the Crestron sensors but the connections are there and the quick start guide shows you where to install them...

I am trying to eliminate the Crestron t-stats. So far it is Viconics and BACnet to the Elan processor but I wouldn't mind if it is different brand. I don't know how well Elan integrates with BACnet; can't find any info on their forum and I hate to be the guinea pig again.

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