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Help manually switching remotes Crestron Adagio
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Post 1 made on Monday October 14, 2019 at 09:31
Lurking Member
October 2019
Hi - we are having difficulty getting our audio tech pros out to our house to help with minor maintenance on our system - an older Crestron Adagio distributed video through the house using MX-900 remotes. The remote in the room we use the most has dead spots on it - have to press very very hard. We don't have the software but several unused rooms in the house and so we have several extra, functional remotes. Is there a way to switch remote ID's manually, e.g. swapping cables where they converge into the distribution system, or must it be done through the software? If its possible, what am I looking for to switch? Thanks - onyaw.
OP | Post 2 made on Monday October 14, 2019 at 14:12
Lurking Member
October 2019
Replying to self - apologies this is the wrong forum for this anyway, but I realized that I could disassemble the bad remote and clean the contacts and that is probably much simpler. I did that - works much better. Will probably buy the ButtonWorks membrane to make the contacts work all the time.

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