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Hardware question: Upgrade pathway for 1st gen Ipad docks
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 18, 2019 at 15:22
Richie Rich
Senior Member
July 2002
This one is frustrating me. Have 5-6 clients out there that have a sum total of about 15-20 IDOC-PAD-DSWCs (in wall docks for the old style Ipads). These were all installed with preconstruction brackets.

They are getting to the point where the ipads are aging out. Looking for a solution that has the same footprint as these. Crestron sales support has no migration pathway for them. Seems like a massive oversight on their part.
No big deal in a drywall environment, just patch, texture, paint and install replacement.

Problem I have is a lot of these are on surfaces like upholstered acoustic panels, venetian plaster, marble, stone, tile and the like.

Yes, I could have fillers fabricated out of metal, plastic or wood but does anyone know of a less involved, more seamless solution for either TSW touchpanels or current ipads?

I am a trained professional..... Do not attempt this stunt at home.
Post 2 made on Wednesday April 24, 2019 at 12:35
Select Member
October 2010
Just did a search on Crestron's site and they do have a bunch of docs for newer iPads.


There is also a conversion kit (not sure what it includes) for the idoc-pad-dswc
You can't fix stupid
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday May 21, 2019 at 19:33
Richie Rich
Senior Member
July 2002
On April 24, 2019 at 12:35, SWOInstaller said...
Just did a search on Crestron's site and they do have a bunch of docs for newer iPads.


There is also a conversion kit (not sure what it includes) for the idoc-pad-dswc

The dock they have is for the oldest ipad currently still sold. This is what bit this client in the arse on the last go around, we had to scramble to find old style dock connector ipads because Apple changed to the current connector between spec and installation, nobody had docks available for the new ones yet or I would have gone that route.
Also, they do not cover the same amount of real estate as the the old in wall docks.

The conversion kit is for the really, really old ipads, it basically amounts to two plastic strips so that the ipad doesn't rattle around in the dock.
I am a trained professional..... Do not attempt this stunt at home.

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