On November 23, 2016 at 12:40, kgossen said...
Yes, with the right gateway, a URC remote will work. He's talking about using an IR receiver to the IR input of the MC3 (what is was designed for)
Have no idea how it works as never tried and probably never will.
URC have IR remotes, You can program an MX-980 to spit IR to crestron.
In SIMPL you drop a Pronto/RC5 remote on the slot.
IN CCP you program your remote to spit IR, there is a Crestron code set. If not look up the Pronto/RC5 codeset and pick the ID you set in SIMPL.
Yeah if you wana use an RF URC you'd need either the CNRFGWA or CNRFGWA-418 and the the newest firmware.
No matter what the guy has to program for all this and that aint happening.