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Topic: | X-8 Editor Available? This thread has 3 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 21:26 |
Hello, all!
I recently purchased an X-8 and am upgrading from my battery-hungry MX-900. I see that CCP has been ambiguously locked down for "dealers only". However, I have a standalone editor for my MX-900 which URC graciously supplied me before.
I've reached out to URC VIA email to see if we need to travel down this same path. The idea of paying someone for something as simple as programming my remote drives my mind bonkers! (At least considering how simple the MX-800 was.)
Heck, if I break it, that's acceptable. After all, it should be my choice.
That being said, whilst waiting for URC's response - has anyone else had experience with programming this remote? Is there a quick place to grab the "dumbed down" programmer for this model, or do I need to battle it out with URC for CCP access?
Heck, if anyone has the interface information, I'd be glad to tap into the FTDI and see if I can write something custom. (Can use the MX-900 as a Guinea pig - keyboard doesn't work on it anyhow.)
Thanks for any info anyone can provide. I understand this is a pretty tight-lipped community sometimes as I went through this all before. Regards!
Post 2 made on Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 23:09 |
Brad Humphrey Super Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2004 2,647 |
The URC X-8 is the same thing as the URC MX-890. It was branded X-8 for Best Buy/Magnolia stores (exclusive). So you have to have the CCP software to program it.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 01:46 |
Thanks, Brad.
I have CCP, and I've created a .CCP interface under MX-890. However, whenever I try to upload (download) it to the remote I continuously get 'Can't connect' error messages.
Not sure how the software detects the remote. It only shows up as a USB Input Device in Device Manager. Doesn't seem to have specific drivers. I'm assuming it is searching for specific device information. It seems to show up under a 'Bus reported device description' in the USB Input Device as 'URCHID'.
Now I need to figure out how the software is trying to engage it so I can help it along.
Post 4 made on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 11:57 |
Brad Humphrey Super Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2004 2,647 |
The connection to the remote is generic. There is something wrong in the connection path. 1) The remote you got is defective and that's the reason they sold it. 2) The USB cable you are using is defective. 3) There is a driver issue in Windows (you are using Windows? You didn't say)
Does your MX-900 connect to CCP with no problem using the same cable. If so, this would point to a defective X8 remote. Could check the miniUSB port on the X8. Use some canned air to blow out the port and see if it connects. Also (without the cable connected to the computer) try plugging it in & out a few dozen times to scrub any corrosion off the pins. Then try connecting.
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