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WARNING!!! New CCP Update requires dealer login!
This thread has 289 replies. Displaying posts 91 through 105.
Post 91 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 22:16
Long Time Member
June 2005
Thanks, that's what I thought. I probably just didn't understand what he meant in the post, or maybe who he was referring to
Post 92 made on Friday July 23, 2021 at 00:56
Long Time Member
July 2004
Redundant - somehow missed the pages where everything I had posted here were already covered . . .

Last edited by tadawson on July 24, 2021 01:56.
Post 93 made on Friday July 23, 2021 at 04:13
Long Time Member
March 2005
If you don't do a update tp CCP, the program is ok to use?
Years from now, you might as well kiss recording OTA TV goodbye thanks to ATSC 3
Post 94 made on Friday July 23, 2021 at 10:09
Junior Member
July 2021
Thanks for the comeback,

run as admin didn't work for me, but what seems to have done the trick is that I copied the entire complete control program folder from an un-updated desktop PC to my laptop....where i was having the errors.

Had to be a file or files that weren't being "written over'" during the re-install of the old version.

Good Luck to everyone experiencing this shit show from URC!
Post 95 made on Friday July 23, 2021 at 15:45
Long Time Member
July 2004
@videobruce Correct. It will always work, you just won't get new devices and updates. Considering that Complete Control is all but dead, that should not be a huge issue for most.
Post 96 made on Friday July 23, 2021 at 16:36
Lurking Member
January 2007
On July 22, 2021 at 20:08, 808htfan said...
Ditto for me

Ditto for me as well.
Post 97 made on Friday July 23, 2021 at 18:55
Johnny Canuck
Long Time Member
January 2003
On July 22, 2021 at 18:58, Ernie said...

I had the chance to do some more experimenting with a Virtual Machine I use for my MSC-400s since it has to be 32 bit.

Its a total hack/workaround but it does work.  And once URC figures out the loop hole they will close it - its just a matter of time.  But we can at least use the latest until then.

Assuming you have the "bricked" version of the latest CCP:
  1. Create a registry file like "URC-recent-remove.reg" (call it whatever you want really) and put this in it:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\Recent File List]

  2. Double click the reg file and click "Yes", this is remove all of the most recently used files by the CCP.
  3. Run the new version of CCP.
  4. It should prompt you to create a NEW file by default; hit OK to this.
  5. Allow the login window to show and then click the X to close it.
  6. HERE IS THE TRICK:  The application will try to close BUT since you have not saved the newly created file, it will ask you what you want to do:  Yes (to save), No (to not), or CANCEL (to abort closing)
  7. Hit CANCEL - BOOM, you are in!  Just open whatever file you want.
You will have to run the registry file every time (or move/rename the last open file) but at least you can use it.  I strongly suggest you block all future updates as mentioned above so they cant sneak in an update the prevents this from working.  Screw you URC!

If you add "/f" to the registry command it should delete the key without having to do a confirmation. Using that logic, if you create a windows batch file with the following commands, you should be able to automate the process to the point of the login dialog box popping up:

reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\Recent File List /f

C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\ccp.exe

You may need to edit your run command if CCP is in a different location.

Last edited by Johnny Canuck on July 23, 2021 20:25.
Post 98 made on Saturday July 24, 2021 at 08:31
Founding Member
November 2001
On July 23, 2021 at 18:55, Johnny Canuck said...
If you add "/f" to the registry command it should delete the key without having to do a confirmation. Using that logic, if you create a windows batch file with the following commands, you should be able to automate the process to the point of the login dialog box popping up:

reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\Recent File List /f

C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\ccp.exe

You may need to edit your run command if CCP is in a different location.

Yep!  I ended up creating this PowerShell file:

reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\Recent File List" /f
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\ccp.exe"
exit 0

I saved it as

C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\ccp.ps1
and edited the start menu icon so the so the "Target" says:

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\CCP.ps1"

You have to first find the icon in the Start Menu, right-click and hit "Open File Location", then right-click the Shortcut and hit "Properties".

So at least it is partially automated.
Post 99 made on Saturday July 24, 2021 at 09:04
Regular Member
January 2021
Our Favorite Remote is the MX-880, we find it the easiest to program and the Fastest (Intelligent) remote URC ever made. Fastest you may ask, Yes it boots quickly and switches between devices very fast with few delays. We find no need to implement the "Please Wait" graphics with these remotes. It also uses mechanical buttons not Carbon coated keypads. The contacts are sealed. It's achilleas heel is the coating on the back cover. We have perfected a process to remove the coating that leaves a nice smooth finish that does not degrade. We provide an editing kit with drivers, sample files and an editor with each the remotes we provide.

Our Next preference is the 890 even though it seems slower when switching between functions.

For our purposes and that of our customers, the July 12th. Update works just fine.

We will not be renewing our URC dealer status anytime soon. There are an abundance of 880's out there. We have no interest in the latest URC remotes.

Last edited by shokwaverider on July 24, 2021 21:03.
Post 100 made on Saturday July 24, 2021 at 20:43
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
On July 24, 2021 at 09:04, shokwaverider said...
My point is the July 12th version covers all of these remotes. We provide an Editing Kit with all our remotes so users are not reliant on expensive programming. It has sample program files, drivers, Documentation etc. Most dealers used to do this for their customers. What Changed?

You missed the boat my friend. The July 13th CCP update (4.11.0712.1) was a huge update, rewriting a lot of the code. If you try and run that version or newer, it requires you to enter a dealer login. Otherwise you are locked out of the software.
Now you could give everyone of your customers, your dealer login to use the software. But considering that also allows them to login into your dealer account and order whatever they want and have it shipped wherever they want, while you have to pay for it - well that would be pretty stupid to do wouldn't it.
Post 101 made on Saturday July 24, 2021 at 20:44
Junior Member
July 2021
I also agree. I purchased their remotes from an authorized dealer who has always stated and informed me it was the dealers option to supply the software to the end user. (URC allowed the dealers to decide)

So now I am deep into their product, have remotes in every room, and a simple update now denied me access. That is not the proper way to go about doing this. We need to all get together and fight this as a group. Since that is they only way to win this fight. We are already a small group of people, so the more we can get together to voice our disapproval in the way they handled this is the only way to possibly win. At this point I will be fighting my way back to see if I can find an older version on my other PCs that might work for me temporarily

Edit: unfortunately for me I did not have a backup of my previous version and did the upgrade. If there is a chance that someone has the july 12 version of the URCFrame.exe file (I believe that’s the file I need to get this working again) let me know. It would be appreciated. It is unfortunate that URC had done this to loyal customers that did get their software legally from authorized dealers that had permission to distribute the software. They are now leaving me no alternatives. They should honor there policies and only change going forward. Stopping updates or grandfathered users. If anyone has the file and willing to share let me now. Thx

Last edited by lbjpilot on July 25, 2021 03:48.
Post 102 made on Sunday July 25, 2021 at 09:51
Long Time Member
March 2004
Arggggh! I wish I saw this thread before I updated. Thank you for posting the work-around, it got me past my immediate need. If anyone has a pointer to a good URCFrame.exe it will be greatly appreciated.

I've had several URC remotes starting with MX-700 and now using a couple MX-890s. The URC remotes are great, too bad they treat paying users this way. Time to look for something else.
Post 103 made on Monday July 26, 2021 at 08:46
Founding Member
July 2001
CCP now requires "URC Dealer Portal" credentials from an active URC dealer on startup. I could be wrong but it looks to me that if you click the checkbox to remember your credentials, it still validates them online every time the application opens. It appears to support an "offline" mode that doesn't need to phone home (essential for on-site reconfigurations from a laptop), but seems to require reconnection every few days.

As described earlier in this thread, there's a bug that allows the credential check to be skipped. I'm sure that bug will be eliminated in future updates. If you're an end user without a dealer supporting you, take a backup of your current CCP install!!

Longer term, I can see the loopholes being tightened up. The CCP software will be harder for new consumers to obtain (dealers won't be giving it to clients if personal credentials also need to be provided). Imperfect as the new system is, I think it will do what URC wants - deter end users from buying and managing their own URC equipment. Consumers who already use CCP will continue to do so, although using the work-around. But they'll be dwindling in numbers.
Post 104 made on Tuesday July 27, 2021 at 00:44
Junior Member
July 2021
On July 24, 2021 at 20:44, lbjpilot said...
I also agree. I purchased their remotes from an authorized dealer who has always stated and informed me it was the dealers option to supply the software to the end user. (URC allowed the dealers to decide)

URC cannot change the terms after the fact. They have made the first move to attempt just that, but you do have a recourse. I encourage everyone affected by this to contact their state's AG and file a complaint. In addition, contact the FTC ( and file another complaint.

I suggest sticking to the facts that URC is attempting to change the terms of our purchases after the fact, seriously devaluing the remotes. In addition, if you can see the parallels, you should also note how URC seems to be utilizing malware/ransomware tactics in their approach to disable capabilities from our remotes: they hid a lock-out capability inside a normal-appearing update, and now they are demanding that we pay $$$ for 'installers' to either restore access or to further program our remotes.

Your state AG and the FTC will likely not be able to advocate for your particular case, but they are interested in trends pointing to businesses that cross the line with unfair or illegal practices. I think they would be fascinated by a business utilizing ransomware tactics to remove functionality from our remotes, and then demand we spend additional $$$ to get access to that same functionality. The more visibility on this practice could lead to them taking legal action.

I have filed reports with both my AG and the FTC. Both took <5m. Stand up for your rights.
Post 105 made on Tuesday July 27, 2021 at 19:08
Founding Member
May 2002
Filed the FTC report! Not sure if will go anywhere, but maybe it will put some pressure on URC.
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