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MX-890 can't jump
This thread has 11 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Thursday May 14, 2020 at 12:41
Junior Member
March 2020


I recently added 2 new devices:

when I program the new buttons the "Jump To" function will not jump to the new device's first page at end of the macro. Instead the jump to line points to a different device ...

Yikes !

any help appreciated

CCP 3.9.0807.2

thanks in advance
click speed test

Last edited by OscarWright77 on May 15, 2020 12:32.
Post 2 made on Thursday May 14, 2020 at 14:21
Elite Member
April 2002
Highlight other devices which do work for the jump macro, look in the macro box and memorize the steps, the only thing that changes between devices is where they land. Go back to one that not working correctly and erase the extra steps in there or add ones that have been erased.

Of course just erasing the whole device and then adding it back will restore the jump macro as well.
Post 3 made on Tuesday May 26, 2020 at 05:31
Junior Member
May 2020
I just re-added the icons for the devices on page 2, and instead of clicking Save at the bottom of the page, I click Next Page, and a save window pops up. Click save and they now show in Layouts and the Data tabs.

Last edited by Amelia362 on May 27, 2020 00:56.
Post 4 made on Wednesday June 30, 2021 at 01:26
Junior Member
June 2021
On May 14, 2020 at 12:41, OscarWright77 said...


I recently added 2 new devices:

when I program the new buttons the "Jump To" function will not jump to the new device's first page at end of the macro. Instead, the jump to line points to a different device ...


any help appreciated

CCP 3.9.0807.2

thanks in advance

I also doughted about this.
Post 5 made on Wednesday June 30, 2021 at 01:39
Elite Member
April 2002
Open other devices, see what the jump macro needs to go to the first page of the device. make sure the device you're having trouble with has the same steps in the macro.
Post 6 made on Friday July 2, 2021 at 14:57
Loyal Member
May 2002
You can look in the macro window, and double click on the jump command. Then change it to whichever page you want the jump to.
Post 7 made on Friday September 3, 2021 at 17:58
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On September 3, 2021 at 06:42, Pittman5593 said...
Did you have a fix on this issue? Facing same issue but no response from anyone.

it would probably be easier to post a dropbox link to your file and have someone check out what the issue may be.
Post 8 made on Saturday September 4, 2021 at 10:35
Loyal Member
May 2002
Spammers abound
Post 9 made on Wednesday September 8, 2021 at 14:09
Long Time Member
February 2003
I have the same problem as the OP for a while now.  Also an MX-890.  There is no sure solution that I can find.

Adding a device (which forms some sort of internal link between the device icon and the device) results in the jump pointing to the wrong device.  It cannot be be changed by editing or deleting and re-adding.

Importing a device allows me to separately add a device icon and manually create the jump, which also points to the wrong device.

When I recently had to add a new device, I managed to start with a blank remote and import each existing device from a working .ccp file, finally add the new device, then create all the jumps manually.  This failed several times where at some point an imported device had the wrong jump problem.  Eventually, this worked and I got everything operating correctly.

But I just tested the new working file and if I try to add another new device, the same problem appears.  It is quite maddening.  I have spent hours trying to find a consistent workaround, but with no luck.  (Well, I'm retired and have time. ;-))

I tried playing whack-a-mole, where I would delete the device that the jump was incorrectly pointing to, but that didn't give me any better results.  Sometimes the jump would then point to a different incorrect device.  Or it might point to the right device, but I would discover that a different device had changed to a wrong jump!

It seems that internal links in the software get crossed up.  Of course I can't call URC about it because I am an end user.  I've been using CCP for about nine years with no problems until recently.  Unfortunately, I cannot pinpoint when this started or with which software version because I had not added a device for a long time until recently.  I have MX-890s only, so do not know if other models are affected.  The issue exists in both pre-July 13 software and the new software.

Installers must have run into this problem at some point?  Maybe someone here can think of something I haven't tried.
Post 10 made on Friday September 17, 2021 at 11:32
Long Time Member
February 2003
I contacted URC and sent them my misbehaving MX-890 file.  Of course, I got a reply saying that they cannot offer support to an end user.  So I replied that I did not expect or want personal support, but that it might be in their best interest to investigate the issue for the potential future benefit of all their clients.

I received an unexpected but welcome response three days later:


We were unable to replicate the issue here on old mx-890 files but the engineer checked out your file and it seems it was somehow corrupt and had duplicated object IDs. In an upcoming CCP update the software will perform a check of the file when opening it, just in case. If it does find errors the software will give the option of repairing the data. This is expected to be extremely rare. I have attached a repaired version of the file.

Thank you!

A reasonable response from URC.  Problem solved.
Post 11 made on Tuesday September 21, 2021 at 23:15
Junior Member
September 2021
Hello I also have a URC MX-890 that needs to be programmed. Does anyone have software that I can download or know someone that can program online.
Post 12 made on Wednesday September 22, 2021 at 10:30
Loyal Member
July 2007
On September 21, 2021 at 23:15, bivman said...
Hello I also have a URC MX-890 that needs to be programmed. Does anyone have software that I can download or know someone that can program online.

Do you really have to pull up 3 different threads to post the same question?  Just read what's on the forum and you'd have your answer...

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