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MX-1200 Removeable keycaps?
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Post 1 made on Friday July 27, 2012 at 04:41
Jimmy Bellagio
Advanced Member
January 2008
Does the MX-1200 come with removeable keycaps? Can someone tell me which ones? Don't have lighting in the setup and don't want the hard button to incorporate lighting.

Thanks- James
James S. Bellagio
Post 2 made on Friday July 27, 2012 at 12:52
Loyal Member
June 2005
Funny you should mention that.

Just yesterday, not even 12 hours ago, was talking about this very thing with my rep. He claims the keycaps are replaceable on the MX-1200 but here's the doesn't come with them in the box.

You evidently can use the keycaps from the mx-980 if you have any laying around or order them.

So...I guess that's good and bad news.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday July 27, 2012 at 16:44
Jimmy Bellagio
Advanced Member
January 2008
Is it me or does that seem ridiculous? Why would they commit something like lighting on a hard button and mass-produce a remote with a button that maybe one out of five people would be able to use - without sending replacement caps? I am sure there has to be some reason, but it's not like they offer an engraving service or something... Thanks for the information, I would love to hear what possible reason there could be for that move though.
James S. Bellagio
Post 4 made on Friday July 27, 2012 at 17:02
Loyal Member
June 2005
It's not just you. I agree. The only reason/ push URC lighting control attachment sales.
Post 5 made on Saturday July 28, 2012 at 16:48
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
In my 12 years of dealing with URC, I've given up trying to figure out why they do some of the things they do. It's tough when you have to explain it to customers though (like why does an old LCD text remote cost more than a new color remote).

THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,
Post 6 made on Sunday July 29, 2012 at 15:31
Senior Member
April 2012
On July 27, 2012 at 17:02, tweeterguy said...
It's not just you. I agree. The only reason/ push URC lighting control attachment sales.

That's exactly what it's for. 'Main' and 'Favorites' are great choices for two of the buttons and the 'Lights' opens up the conversation for lighting control. It let's you bring up the topic OR the customer can ask "What's the 'Lights' button for?"

What's wrong with making another sale?
Post 7 made on Sunday July 29, 2012 at 16:37
Loyal Member
July 2007
On July 29, 2012 at 15:31, Lowhz said...
That's exactly what it's for. 'Main' and 'Favorites' are great choices for two of the buttons and the 'Lights' opens up the conversation for lighting control. It let's you bring up the topic OR the customer can ask "What's the 'Lights' button for?"

What's wrong with making another sale?

Lighting is one of those things that customers feel they don't need, but if you throw one in, they LOVE it. I will often throw one into a home theater as a freebie to give them a taste. It's one of those things that people never think of, but becomes one of their favorite features.
OP | Post 8 made on Monday July 30, 2012 at 00:55
Jimmy Bellagio
Advanced Member
January 2008
How did this become a discussion on importance in lighting? I can think of a hundred products the customer will appreciate if I throw it in for free. A Tivo, a DAC, appleTV, the list goes on. Seems like a silly way to promote URC lighting. These are supposed to be custom remotes. URC already sells sales tools for promoting lighting, keypads and products. Getting away from allowing us to customize the remotes to the experience the CUSTOMER wants which believe it or not sometimes doesn't include lighting should be the priority.
James S. Bellagio
Post 9 made on Monday July 30, 2012 at 02:35
Senior Member
April 2012
On July 30, 2012 at 00:55, Jimmy Bellagio said...
How did this become a discussion on importance in lighting? I can think of a hundred products the customer will appreciate if I throw it in for free. A Tivo, a DAC, appleTV, the list goes on. Seems like a silly way to promote URC lighting. These are supposed to be custom remotes. URC already sells sales tools for promoting lighting, keypads and products. Getting away from allowing us to customize the remotes to the experience the CUSTOMER wants which believe it or not sometimes doesn't include lighting should be the priority.

Then sell a MX980: Cheaper, faster, more customizable.

URC's goal is to sell more of it's products including their lighting. When did this become a discussion of giving things away?
Post 10 made on Monday July 30, 2012 at 09:36
Long Time Member
December 2004
Bottom line is that it's a cost-savings measure, considering that for all installs there's a handful of keycaps that will forever go unused. For example, with the MX-980 only 2 caps are supported, but close to a dozen are supplied, plus their packaging/carrier. That equals dollars and waste.

As a CI, just order extra caps to have on hand if you need them, not really an issue.

But yes, having by default one of the caps set to "lighting" is a pretty poor choice. Not a significant enough marketing benefit and it's also taking up a valuable hard button - the feature can be easily put on a soft button as part of a devices page or similar. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
Post 11 made on Monday July 30, 2012 at 10:50
Loyal Member
June 2005
Ok got it. So on the 700 dollar remote they are worried about saving us a dollar and the environment...on the 600 dollar remote, those concerns go out the window. Makes sense lol
Post 12 made on Monday July 30, 2012 at 11:54
Select Member
December 2008
On July 27, 2012 at 04:41, Jimmy Bellagio said...
Does the MX-1200 come with removeable keycaps? Can someone tell me which ones? Don't have lighting in the setup and don't want the hard button to incorporate lighting.

Thanks- James

Ask your rep for buttons. They are the same as the MX980, and the existing ones can be removed/replaced.
Post 13 made on Monday July 30, 2012 at 18:09
Long Time Member
December 2004
Maybe the $600 remote costs them $30 to make where the $700 remote costs them $80. Although I'm probably shooting too high on both of those figures. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps

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