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Discrete codes for Sony DVD Recorder?
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Post 1 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 13:39
David Anderson
Long Time Member
February 2005
I have just bought a new Sony DVD Recorder. It's the latest top of the range model in the UK, and is called the RDR-HXD860. It is over a year since I programmed my MX-850 and I am struggling to remember how to find discrete power on/off codes. I suspect that most of the discrete codes for my existing kit were originally stored on a Pronto and then learned by my MX-850. That route is now closed to me as I have sold my Pronto.

The IR database for the MX-850 has only a handful of Sony DVR models. None of the available code sets let me turn off my new DVR when the Test button is pressed via the MX-850 Editor.

Where do I go from here?
Post 2 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 14:03
IR Expert
September 2002
If you have the discrete code in a CCF file you can use the universal browser (in the editor for the MX 850) to bring it into your configuration. You don't need to have a Pronto to use the CCF.

If you have Pronto Hex for the Sony signal AND you have the new MX-850 editor that can read Pronto Hex directly (I don't have it) you can paste it in without even using a CCF file.

If you just have the code numbers, such as you might find on the web site of Sony codes ( [Link:] ) you can use MakeHex and IrPanels to create a CCF file.

The DVD section of that site ( [Link:] ) says the power On and Off discretes are commands 46 and 47. The Protocol is Sony20. The device number is one of 26.73, 26.34, 26.250, or 26.18 depending on which "mode" the DVD player is configured for. The text there suggests 26.250 is most likely for a new DVD recorder.

Last edited by johnsfine on September 14, 2006 14:09.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 14:59
David Anderson
Long Time Member
February 2005
Thanks for all the info, but some of it is over my head - particularly the last paragraph. How do I get from knowing those command numbers, protocols and device numbers to creating a working power on (or off) button?

Your post suggests that MakeHex and IrPanels are utility programs that may be part of this solution, but I have been unable to find such programs. Please clarify.
Post 4 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 15:07
IR Expert
September 2002
1) Get from

2) Get IrPanels from

Last edited by johnsfine on December 8, 2007 16:16.
OP | Post 5 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 17:49
David Anderson
Long Time Member
February 2005
Well, I've downloaded both those programs, but I'm not much further forward.

Firstly, MakeHex won't open no matter how many times I double click on it. The readme file suggests that it might not be a conventional Windows program and may need running from the command line. However, the description is just double-dutch to me.

Secondly, IRpanels seems to be expecting me to already know the codes before it will do anything. The online description of IRpanels suggests that it is a companion program for ProntoUtil, which I also downloaded. However, ProntoUtil assumes a great deal more knowledge about IR technology than I possess (i.e. absolutely none).

I'm sorry to be a pain, but without step by step guidance in plain English I'm not going to make any progress.
OP | Post 6 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 18:33
David Anderson
Long Time Member
February 2005
Having totally failed to get anywhere with your more complex suggestions, I went back to your first idea of pasting Pronto hex codes directly into the MX-850 Editor (I have the latest version). I found a selection of Sony DVR discrete power codes in the Pronto section of this website and pasted them into the Hex Editor that sits inside the MX-850 Universal Browser. I then used the drag and drop facility it provides to dump them on LCD buttons. After a few failures, I found a pair of codes that worked.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I got there eventually!

Post 7 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 19:32
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Hmm, with MX Editor now supporting hex codes, I wonder if I should add the discrete hex code section to the MX file area (since not all people know to look in the Pronto area).
Post 8 made on Thursday September 14, 2006 at 19:46
IR Expert
September 2002
On September 14, 2006 at 19:32, Daniel Tonks said...
Hmm, with MX Editor now supporting hex codes, I wonder
if I should add the discrete hex code section to the MX
file area (since not all people know to look in the Pronto

I think that would do more harm then good.

Maybe you can put a message or link or sticky telling people where to look for discrete codes in Pronto Hex form.

It's hard enough finding the right discrete codes without having to worry about which brand remote was used by the person discovering the discrete.

I really think your whole collection of discrete codes in Pronto Hex text format should be in one place. The brand of remote used by the discoverer of the discrete code shouldn't matter to the person looking for that discrete code.

Or did I underestimate the significance of your use of the word "the" in "the discrete hex code section". If you meant a link to the already existing one, then what I just said must sound pretty stupid.
Post 9 made on Friday September 15, 2006 at 11:59
Long Time Member
October 2003
As a an old Pronto owner, I've always known where to look but I have talked to many concerning these issues and had to send them the link to the discrete area. I think a link with a "Pronto Format" disclaimer (maybe with a short "how-to" readme) to the existing file area would be a great help.

Thanks Daniel

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