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How can I convert an older CCF file to MFX?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 19, 2006 at 22:57
Lurking Member
June 2006
I have an older CCF file for a Yamaha RXV630 and I want to use it on a MX-850 and I can sure use some help from someone.

Any direction or help would be appreciated.
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 20, 2006 at 11:25
Advanced Member
November 2005
Use the Universal Browser in the MX850 software. Browse to the CCF file, and then click and drag from the window to the desired button on the MX850. It only works with learned commands, though.
Post 3 made on Wednesday December 20, 2006 at 14:48
IR Expert
September 2002
Does "older" mean something relevant here?

If you got the CCF from the internet, posting the URL would make it easier for us to see whether it would have some problem with the Universal Browser, vs. you just didn't know to use the Universal Browser.

If you have some problem with the Universal Browser with the CCF you are using and you aren't already using the CCF at
try it instead. It is well organized and has nice clean learns for the Yamaha signal.

The type of signal that the Universal Browser calls "learned" does not correlate well with whether the signal actually was learned. A signal might actually be learned and not be that type or it might be constructed (rather than learned) and be that type. But in that CCF I linked the signals are both actually learned (which doesn't matter to you) and the type that the Universal Browser calls learned (which is necessary for the Universal Browser to accept them).
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday December 20, 2006 at 17:57
Lurking Member
June 2006
Thank you for the response. I have downloaded the file you recommendand I refer to it as "older" because of the 2003 date.

Please forgive my ignorance but both your posting as well as the previous postings refer to the Universal Browser with the MX-850 software. The only software I can locate is the MX-850 Editor. Am I missing something? If so can it be downloaded? If it is just terminology, I am unable to locate where I am able to specify a CCF file in the editor.

Unfortunately, I am still alittle lost.
Post 5 made on Wednesday December 20, 2006 at 18:54
IR Expert
September 2002
One of the buttons in the MX-850 software brings up a tool called the "Universal Browser". I forget where that is in the GUI and whether there is also a menu way to get to it. I don't know the MX-850 editor well. When I used the MX-850 editor, I hovered the mouse over each button to see the tooltip that tells you the name of the button.

Once in the "Universal Browser" it is fairly obvious how to open an CCF file, then navigate within that file to the desired device, panel and button. Once you get there, I didn't find it obvious that you must drag that button to the desired button in your MX-850 config. I forget the details (haven't used it in a long time), but I recall that the only non obvious part was that dragging from the button in the CCF is the only way to get the signal.
Post 6 made on Wednesday December 20, 2006 at 20:42
Long Time Member
November 2004
If anyone out there has a Pioneer 1140HD plasma and wants to experiment, try using Pioneer's CCF for it and the 'Input 1 through 6' buttons. I can't quite seem to get an MX-900 to use the codes for these buttons. I can use the learn function, obviously. Is there something wrong with pioneer's file?

Here's a direct link to it:
Or from this list of them:
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday December 21, 2006 at 00:25
Lurking Member
June 2006
You are the best. Your suggestions and guideance has helped a great deal and I can now talk to my RX-630.

The support is greatly appreciated.

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