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MX-900 Editor copying from one device to another fails.
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 21:13
Active Member
June 2003
I'm having a strange issue with learned codes on the MX-900. I have a combo DVD/VCR recorder. I have a separate page called "Power" where I put all my device"s power codes. Essentially, I copied the learned power codes from my DVD/VCR device page by using the copy and paste (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V). I have a power off macro on my DVD/VCR device page which calls the power off learned code from my "Power" page. When I execute the Power Off macro the DVD/VCR does not power off.

What's strange is that when I go to the "Power" page and press the DVD/VCR power off button with the learned code it works just fine. But it wont work when it's being called from the macro.

Even stranger yet, I can use the same macro but instead of calling the power off command from the "Power" page I issue the command from the DVD/VCR device page (where I originally copied the command from in the first place) and it works fine.

Anyone else experiencing this type of behavior? I thought I saw a post somewhere in this forum where someone else had a similar issue but I can't seem to find it now.
Post 2 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 23:38
Active Member
February 2004
It really isn't the best idea to copy commands and paste them to another device in the remote. You would be better served by creating power buttons for each device on your power page and creating a single step macro on each button that calls the power command from the original device.

I don't know if you're using RF or IR, but if you're using RF this is especially important so you can retain your IR routing settings. When you copy and paste a command it will inherit the routing of the new device it is pasted to.

Back to the original problem. I think you would be better served by creating macros on the power page that would use the power code from the actual device. When you do a power on macro or power off macro, reference the power commands from the actual devices instead of from the power page. Power pages are most useful for human interaction, if you want one place to access all power commands.

Let us know how you do!
There are 10 types of people in this world,
There are those who understand binary,
and those who don't!
OP | Post 3 made on Monday December 18, 2006 at 21:59
Active Member
June 2003
On December 16, 2006 at 23:38, Ericjb said...
Back to the original problem. I think you would be better
served by creating macros on the power page that would
use the power code from the actual device. When you do
a power on macro or power off macro, reference the power
commands from the actual devices instead of from the power
page. Power pages are most useful for human interaction,
if you want one place to access all power commands.

Let us know how you do!

That's basically what I've already done. I just thought it was odd that the command didn't work when copied. But now I see why. It worked before because I was using strictly IR. I've since changed over to RF and I'm sure I lost the IR routing settings you mentioned in your post.

I thought about all this when I did my original configuration and concluded that I should indeed have the power codes for each device on that device's page. But I see now that I also did a little "mixing and matching" and had one or two macros pointing to my power page (which were copied and not macros from the original devices) and some which were macros pointing to the original devices page.

All is well now. Thanks for the explanation Eric. It made me see the error of my ways.
Post 4 made on Tuesday December 19, 2006 at 07:33
Active Member
February 2004
You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.
There are 10 types of people in this world,
There are those who understand binary,
and those who don't!

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