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Post 1 made on Friday December 15, 2006 at 10:52
Long Time Member
December 2006
I have an MX900 and the rf basestation, and I got the MX350 to be used in another room.

While I like the MX350, I would like to customize the device listings. For example, I would like to move the DVR entry to the first main page. I would also like to add a second DVR. Can this remote control two of a single type of device?

More specifically, they are both DTiVos (one HD one SD). However, I am using an addressable RF basestation, so I am not concerned with the remote addresses.

Can I reprogram, e.g., "CABLE," device to be a second DVR? I understand that I could do this manually by teaching each and every command, but that seems a bid tedious. Is there a better way?

Can I change the order of the devices when I press MAIN? The remote is being used in a bedroom where I do not have an audio system, dvd, etc. I really want TV and DVR (and preferably DVR2) on the first page.
Post 2 made on Friday December 15, 2006 at 16:38
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
On December 15, 2006 at 10:52, NestOfRobins said...
While I like the MX350, I would like to customize the
device listings. For example, I would like to move the
DVR entry to the first main page. I would also like to
add a second DVR. Can this remote control two of a single
type of device?
More specifically, they are both DTiVos (one HD one SD).
However, I am using an addressable RF basestation, so
I am not concerned with the remote addresses.

Yes, any device can be renamed and reprogrammed.

Can I reprogram, e.g., "CABLE," device to be a second
DVR? I understand that I could do this manually by teaching
each and every command, but that seems a bid tedious.
Is there a better way?

No, not really. You can rename the device and still use the code database, but you'll still have to edit the button text. With any of the non PC-programmable remotes (other than the MX-650), it's really best to rename buttons and devices and learn the commands.

Can I change the order of the devices when I press MAIN?
The remote is being used in a bedroom where I do not have
an audio system, dvd, etc. I really want TV and DVR (and
preferably DVR2) on the first page.

You can't move anything. All you can do is rename the devices and either use the database and learn as mentioned above.


THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,

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