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MX Software issues....
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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 22:29
Long Time Member
July 2006
Hey all,

Has anyone else here noticed strange little oddities/bugs/issues lately while using any of the MX editor programs? Specifically the MX-900 editor?

Last couple 900's I've done I've noticed some problems during programming, kinda hard to explain because it's seemingly random but one issue is if I go to either the Create and Name Devices menu, or the Edit Buttons menu it won't let me drag some devices to a different button. Ex: One of my remotes, on the 1st Listen page, for whatever reason it will not let me drag and drop a device from that button to another button. I'll try and drag it to another button and/or different page and it will even ask if I want to overwrite what's already there, I click Yes, but it doesn't move it. Sometimes it even creates a new, blank device on the button where I tried to drag the existing device to.

Another issue: On one today I had IPOD as one of my devices under the Listen section. I would click on IPOD on the left browser (or through the button/device editor menu) and if I tried to rename that device it would actually rename that device AS WELL as rename the main LISTEN section.... As in instead of having a Watch labelled Watch, and Listen labelled Listen, Listen would then be labelled whatever I labelled this particular device. Also had some small problems of it not wanting to delete the device, taking several tries to delete a device, etc...

One last thing, if I open up a few older remotes (programmed with earlier versions of the editor) and then click on a particular device it'll show exactly what brand and model number from the IR database that's assigned to that device. BUT, on all my more recent remotes if I open up a file and click on one of the devices (or go through the IR Database setup menu) it'll only show what TYPE of device and then usually only the database code number, as in TV[374], as opposed to the older file, where I could click on my TV device and it would show something like "Toshiba 57H81 (CT-90086)". Definitely a little annoying because I'll setup the IR database assignments once, but then next time I go into that file I can't see what brand or model I originally assigned to the device, the codes are obviously still assigned correctly because it'll work, but it just won't "remember" the brand and model.

Anyway, sorry for the length. Got on the phone earlier today with Universal Remote's Tech support and the only help the guy could offer was for me to email him one of these config files for him to look at, so will have to wait and see what he sees.

Just wanted to see if anyone else has been having similar problems. The problem of the software "forgetting" the brand/model names has been happening for a while, not sure when that started, but I've only noticed all the other software issues on the past few remotes I've done.... roughly the past couple weeks.

All software should be up to date. The about screen shows Editor Version 1.10.095, Firmware 1.43, and IR DB: 1.78

Nick (about to pull my hair out)
Post 2 made on Thursday December 14, 2006 at 14:21
RC Consultant
December 1999
Nope. I don't have the problems you're experiencing.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.

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