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The Fav device on an MX850
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Post 1 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 16:12
Steve D
Founding Member
June 2001
Just wondering if you can assocciate the FAV button to more than one device. Does it only work if the device you alaised to is the one you last selected.

Thanks in advance

Post 2 made on Monday December 11, 2006 at 17:11
Long Time Member
July 2005
The FAV device can only have macros added to the LCD buttons on pages 1-5 (50 favs in all) and depending on what device page your in before you press the FAV button, the MAIN button will take you back to that same device page. You can't add a "jump to" command in any macro to goto the FAV pages.
Post 3 made on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 09:12
Long Time Member
December 2005
A button on a FAV page will always send the same macro, regardless of the device from which you called it.

Thus, for example, you might have to have a page of FAV buttons for your TiVo and another page for your cable box, even though both would call up the same stations.
Post 4 made on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 13:42
Steve Garn
Senior Member
November 2003
On December 11, 2006 at 16:12, Steve D said...
Just wondering if you can assocciate the FAV button to
more than one device.


The macro that you record on each FAV button can include an ir code from any of your devices - including selecting a different input on the TV as well as the receiver (and with a GOTO at the end to take you to that device if necessary).

Out of the 250 or so that I've designed, only 10 or so even have favorite channels in this area (too many callbacks for channel reassigning). Besides, most equipment has a favorite channel settup that a client can mess with, without reprogramming the remote. I fill the FAV area with Soundfield selections, lighting, zone 2 functions and a TV Power button.

I do have a seperate device on the main page called "MUSIC". This turns on the receiver to the cable/sat input, turns on the cable box, switches the TV input (if it's on) and then takes you to several pages of music channels (ie. Jazz, Soft, Arena etc.)
Each page has a TVPWR and Z2 ON & Z2OFF functions.
Manuals?! We don't need no stinking manuals! a.. er..

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