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MX-3000 Slow Button Response
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 9, 2006 at 11:21
Long Time Member
September 2006
My MX-3000 seems to be slow when pushing the buttons. For example when using the remote for my DMR-E100 to label timer programs I have to push the buttons slowly or they do not seem to take. If I say try to go down the list form an "A" to a "U" and push the down button quickly it will go to the next letter then stop (although I can still hear the tone of pushing the button) unless I push the down button slowly then it will cursor down perfectly fine. Is there a setting that can be changed to make the buttons respond to a click faster?
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 10:17
Long Time Member
September 2006
OK so no one knows. Thanks anyway.
Post 3 made on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 10:20
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999
What template are you using?
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 16:46
Long Time Member
September 2006
Basically my own but they were modified from Blackmans. I don't see where the template has anything to do with the button speed response.
Post 5 made on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 16:53
Active Member
January 2003
lots and lots of PNGs will slow the remote down.
Audio Artisans
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 10:13
Long Time Member
September 2006
On December 12, 2006 at 16:53, KCThirstyEar said...
lots and lots of PNGs will slow the remote down.

The biggest problem I have is with the right, left, up, down and enter hard buttons. I even have to put a .3 second delay between every command in a macro or the macro will misfire.
Post 7 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 11:32
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999
Yes, PNG graphics can slow the response down, particularly if you have PNG buttons on top of a PNG background. It's incredibly graphically intense for the processor of the 3000.

So, working towards narrowing down your specific issue:

If you've got really slow hard buttons, are there sounds programmed into the button presses? Long sounds can slow down a button reaction. Other than that, are the IR codes learned or are they from the database? Codes that have been learned with errors can sometimes cause slow button presses.
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
Post 8 made on Saturday December 23, 2006 at 08:55
Long Time Member
November 2004
So if PNGs slow it down, what should be used instead? And what else should be avoided?
Post 9 made on Saturday December 23, 2006 at 21:36
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999
PNGs don't slow things down unless you layer them. The basic rule is, if you're going to layer PNGs, make sure the PNGs are as small as you can make them. Be especially careful about the size of the background image if it's a PNG. In one of my templtes I was using a full-screen PNG as a background, and that was overlaying a full-screen JPG. My transparent buttons were also PNGs, and they were slow. So I modified the full-screen PNG to a set of very small PNGs that accomplished the same visual effect. As a result, my PNG buttons were only overlapping the JPG background, and that made the button presses very snappy. I didn't have to eliminate the PNG buttons.

One other thing that slows down button presses is audio. Until the audio on a button completes, the button press is not done. It's easy to overlook the fact that the audio event is what's slowing down the button press.

And again, IR learned from a remote with weak batteries can also slow down a button.
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
Post 10 made on Monday December 25, 2006 at 13:33
Long Time Member
November 2004
Is it only PNGs that can have transparency? And what's faster, separate 'pressed' button images or just using an invert?

I gather you're suggesting it can be faster to not use a separate background but to actually integrate the "background" into the buttons instead? The visual effect being the same of course, assuming use of images for the pressed state.

Good point about the audio. But is is possible to fire asynchronous events for things like that? Or is everything synchronized to just that macro's event thread?

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