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RCA power code needed
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 5, 2006 at 20:06
Active Member
January 2005
I'm setting up a MX-900 for a client who has an older RCA RT2300 Receiver. They no longer have the remote. The codes in the database work with the exception of the power commands. The Rcvr will power up with a source selection, but I can't shut it off. I tried the ccf files in the Pronto section with no luck. The client has a proscan remote that when the power button is pressed 2x within 1 second will turn off the amp. The second button press sends out a 1-2 second IR command that I assume is a global off for multiple devices. The 900 stops learning well before the end. Any suggestions?
Post 2 made on Thursday December 7, 2006 at 22:35
Advanced Member
November 2005
Did you try the 2-step learn for the MX900?
Post 3 made on Friday December 8, 2006 at 06:17
RC Consultant
December 1999
Does it still learn the IR code? The code may just be a repetitive one, and the amp needs to see it for the 1 - 2 second duration.

If it does actually have an IR code learned, just increase the duration of the output in the Editor.

Let us know how you do.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
Post 4 made on Friday December 8, 2006 at 08:11
IR Expert
September 2002
On December 5, 2006 at 20:06, musictoo said...
The second
button press sends out a 1-2 second IR command that I
assume is a global off for multiple devices.

RCA has a very consistent discrete off command across a wide range of models. That command (function number 59) is encoded with one of 16 device numbers in order to create a specific discrete off signal.

I think your 1-2 second IR command consists of several of those 16 possible discrete off commands sent sequentially.

I put all 16 in a CCF and also pasted the Pronto Hex below (I wasn't sure which form you could use for an MX-900). I think a receiver would use Device Code 11 or 12, but if those aren't right it shouldn't be too hard to try all 16.


Function: 59 Device Code: 0
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 1
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 2
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 3
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 4
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 5
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 6
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 7
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 8
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 9
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 10
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 11
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 12
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 13
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 14
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
Function: 59 Device Code: 15
0000 0047 0000 001A 00D7 00D7 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 006B 001B 0036 001B 0036 001B 0193
OP | Post 5 made on Saturday December 9, 2006 at 08:06
Active Member
January 2005
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help! I'll let you know how it works out.
OP | Post 6 made on Tuesday December 19, 2006 at 21:20
Active Member
January 2005
Unfortunately none of the codes worked for me. However I was able to block part of the signal and learn the middle part to the 900 which worked......after 45 minutes of trying. :) Thanks for everyone's help!

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