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RF Control in MDU's
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 29, 2006 at 07:44
Super Member
August 2004
We are doing a project in an MDU with a basic Plasma, AVR, DVD, DVR, CD, ipod, in an AV closet. We were goign to put in a MRF300 with MX900. Last time I tried to do this in the same buildin I had several problems with RF interference. Once i finally got it working, it turned out someone close had an MRF on the same address or something that was causing his Directv box to change channels. So I changed the RF ID to 8. Still sometimes the MRF will pick up a singal from somewhere and start changin channels. I was looking to use the MRF350 w/ RFX250 and see if this helps.

I was wondering what you guys do when there is a High-end MDU with people having all kinds of RF systems all around and they each interfere with each other. I have another customer in the building that is haivng problems with their RF on ther Crestron touchscreen. Same thing, occasionall the volume will raise all the way, and the channels will also change. We did not do the Crestron system. Also, amny customers in the building are experiencing the same problem. There is one 18" dual LNB dish on the Roof feeding 68 units.

Any ideas on how to combat multiple control systems in an MDU? Will the MRF350 help? Should I stick to IR control with a Xantech Mini-Mac? Thanks.

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