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mx-850 new dvd player for my system
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Post 1 made on Saturday November 25, 2006 at 11:49
Lurking Member
November 2006
my mx-850 was programed by the installer of my home theater. i have bought a new dvd player for my system but i am having trouble programing the new sony player into the remote. is there an easy to just change the dvd player code and leave the macro intact?
Post 2 made on Saturday November 25, 2006 at 12:32
Loyal Member
April 2006
What commands does the macro contain for the DVD player?

I would try manually deleting the codes and learning them back in. Use the LEARN and NEXT button for speed learning
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA
Post 3 made on Saturday November 25, 2006 at 13:08
Long Time Member
October 2006
On November 25, 2006 at 11:49, calcap757 said...
is there an easy to just change the dvd player
code and leave the macro intact?

yes. upload the file and simply replace each command for the old unit by learning it with the new. For example delete the play command and replace it with the new play command. This should take about an hour once yo uget the hang of it. If its a 1 disc dvd player you'll be set because they are typically easy to control.

Dare I ask, Do you have the software needed? Programming cable?

BTW, you could probably email Damon at and he could change the file and returned the fixed one. It might be worth a phone call.
'93 hemi

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