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Any info on URC's SL-9000
This thread has 10 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Saturday November 18, 2006 at 18:57
Eternal Technician
Lurking Member
November 2006
Taking 8ate8’s advice and starting a new thread – All about URC’s SL-9000

I have a number of customers who will NOT give up using URC's SL-9000. URC isn't providing tech support for the discontinued model. A few questions:

1. How do I eliminate the Automatic Audio Mode Display [A_TV, A_DVD, etc.]? It drives some of them nuts having to press the device button twice [to get from [A_TV back to TV].

2. Can I program a Macro in the four memory buttons [M1 - M4] outside of the AUD or SAT Mode?

3. Does the SL-9000 "restrict" Set-up Code usage by Device Mode? I have 2 Toshiba DVD Players - same model. The customer doesn't care if both Players respond simultaneously to the one command - they determine which one to watch by switching TV inputs. The Toshiba three digit Set-up up code worked in the DVD Mode but not in the AUX Mode.
I predict sometime in the future things will be fixing themselves!
Post 2 made on Saturday November 18, 2006 at 19:13
Loyal Member
April 2006
Thread HiJack :

This is in response to your sig:


Robot, heal thyself -- welcome to the future

It's an achievement that inspires notions of robots with consciousness and independent minds. News 10026571-0 (

Scientists said on Thursday they created a brainy, four-legged robot resembling a starfish that can sense damage to its body and, on its own, think up a way to recover. News 10026571-1 (

Researchers Hod Lipson and Victor Zykov of Cornell University and Josh Bongard of the University of Vermont made a robot that observed its own motion using built-in sensors in its joints and then generated its own concept of itself, or at least its physical structure, in its internal computer. News 10026571-2 (

It used this internal model of itself to figure out how to walk on its four legs and eight motorized joints. News 10026571-3 (

"In the beginning, the robot starts off and does not know what it looks like. You look at it, and you see that it's a four-legged machine. But the robot itself doesn't know that. All it knows is that it could be a snake, it could be a tree, it could have six legs," Lipson said in an interview. News 10026571-4 (

Lipson said the robot used various movements of its joints, first to generate hypotheses and then to formulate an accurate conception of itself. News 10026571-5 (

The researchers then tested the robot's ability to adapt to new situations -- in this case injury -- by shortening one of its legs. "The robot knows something's wrong," Lipson said. News 10026571-6 (

Animals can compensate for injury by changing movements, like limping to favor an injured leg. Machines can be programmed to react to a problem in a certain way. But when they are damaged in unexpected ways, they usually are doomed. News 10026571-7 (

This plucky robot responded by generating on its own a new concept of its structure, accurately sensing it had been altered, and then devising a new way to walk using a different gait to compensate for the injury. News 10026571-8 (

The robot's smarts, awareness of itself and ability to adapt on its own separates it from its mechanical brethren. News 10026571-9 (

The study was published in the journal "Science." News 10026571-10 (

'THINKING ABOUT ITSELF' News 10026571-11 (

"We don't really think this is self-consciousness, which is a robot thinking about itself thinking," Lipson said. "But I do think it is moving in the direction of consciousness, like a cat, that kind of level." News 10026571-12 (

Aside from contributing to a philosophical debate, the research has practical implications -- giving hope to people who envision sending robots that can adapt to unforeseen circumstances to explore other worlds or the ocean floor. News 10026571-13 (

"There is a need for planetary robotic rovers to be able to fix things on their own," Bongard said in a statement. "Robots on other planets must be able to continue their mission without human intervention in the event they are damaged and cannot communicate their problem back to Earth." News 10026571-14 (

Christoph Adami of the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences in Claremont, California, wrote a commentary accompanying the research titled, "What Do Robots Dream Of?" -- an allusion to science fiction writer Philip Dick's 1968 novel, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" News 10026571-15 (

Adami described how a robot like this one might perform in unknown territory, exploring the landscape and then "dreaming" of new methods to overcome obstacles it had encountered. News 10026571-16 (

"And even though the robots ... seem to prefer to dream about themselves rather than electric sheep, they just may have unwittingly helped us understand what dreams are for," he said. News 10026571-17 (

Reminded of malicious robots and computers turning on their human masters in movies like "The Terminator" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," Lipson was not worried. News 10026571-18 (

"We just pull the plug out of the robot. That's all," Lipson said. "There are more immediate things to worry about than to worry about that." News 10026571-19 (
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday November 19, 2006 at 07:50
Eternal Technician
Lurking Member
November 2006
See I told yah - LOL! Thanks for the news clip, Sound.SD. Maybe that Robot can figure out my SL-9000 issues...My signature was inspired by a childhood memory of the sci-fi movie "Forbidden Planet" - the complex machinery of the Krell [a civilization long gone] was still operational and even repaired itself...Yes - a technician's dream come true!
I predict sometime in the future things will be fixing themselves!
Post 4 made on Sunday November 19, 2006 at 11:12
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003

You should explain to the number of SL-9000 owners that they have a nice but ANTIQUE remote control. If they want functionaltiy, then it's time to upgrade.

No two ways about it. You're dealing with a remote that was out of date a few YEARS back.
OP | Post 5 made on Monday November 20, 2006 at 07:35
Eternal Technician
Lurking Member
November 2006
Yeah - I hear yah, Truck-Slammer...Most of my customers with the SL-9000 dinosaur admit they will have to eventually switch to a state-of-the-art remote...I'm just trying to make that migration a little less painful on their wallets by giving them a little more time...And maybe there's a part of me that's old-school-technician and loves a challenge when a customer says "See if you can make that work."
I predict sometime in the future things will be fixing themselves!
Post 6 made on Monday November 20, 2006 at 10:24
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003

The only remote left that looks (surprisingly) like the SL-9000 is a T1 from RTI. I don't think that remote is quite as flexible as the SL-9000, since the SL has more buttons. Other than that, they're looking at a MX-350 or MX-650. There's just no way around it anymore. :)

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY
Post 7 made on Monday November 20, 2006 at 10:49
Long Time Member
September 2006
On November 18, 2006 at 18:57, Eternal Technician said...
Taking 8ate8’s advice and starting a new thread – All
about URC’s SL-9000

I have a number of customers who will NOT give up using
URC's SL-9000. URC isn't providing tech support for the
discontinued model. A few questions:

1. How do I eliminate the Automatic Audio Mode Display
[A_TV, A_DVD, etc.]? It drives some of them nuts having
to press the device button twice [to get from [A_TV back
to TV].

2. Can I program a Macro in the four memory buttons [M1
- M4] outside of the AUD or SAT Mode?

3. Does the SL-9000 "restrict" Set-up Code usage by Device
Mode? I have 2 Toshiba DVD Players - same model. The customer
doesn't care if both Players respond simultaneously to
the one command - they determine which one to watch by
switching TV inputs. The Toshiba three digit Set-up up
code worked in the DVD Mode but not in the AUX Mode.

1. You can't.
2. Yes you should be able to do that. The manual only says the TV, VCR, CBL, SAT and the AUD buttons though can be used. I don't remember if any of the others can also be used. See page 29 of the owner's manual.
3. You can use any button to be something else but you must first tell the button what you want it to be. Page 32 of the owner's manual will tell you how to do this. The owner's manual can be downloaded at URC's web site.
Post 8 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 02:34
RC Consultant
December 1999
The RF-10 / URC-100 are close to the SL-9000, but are more up-to-date with a proper cursor pad. If anything, move your customers over to one of them.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
Post 9 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 14:19
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003

I was also thinking about that, but the reason I didn't bring up the RF-10 or URC-100 is because they aren't CI models. Anyone can go into Circuit City and see it for $30, then get mad if a CI marks it up. I was only speaking in terms of a CI-oriented model. :)

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Damon DG
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY
Post 10 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 17:43
RC Consultant
December 1999
I understand that Damon, but would the customer really care, if they are happier? Some would, some wouldn't. I guess it would have to be up to the CI to determine.

I just thought I'd remind people that a similar looking remote could be had that didn't upset the customer too much but gave them a better remote.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
Post 11 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 20:16
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003

You're absolutely right. I'm just a stickler for CI-friendliness in products/distribution. ;)

Actually, I wish URC would release those remotes to more channels. I'd sell them all day long. People come to my site often looking for a $50 remote.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY

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