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*MX-880 software available for download in URC Control Room..
This thread has 17 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 18.
Post 16 made on Wednesday September 19, 2018 at 21:34
Lurking Member
September 2018
Post 17 made on Saturday June 13, 2020 at 20:43
Junior Member
June 2020
I am trying to get software for MX-880. Found the thread on remote central. Someone refers to read the sticky. What does that mean?
Post 18 made on Sunday June 14, 2020 at 02:16
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
On June 13, 2020 at 20:43, beavron said...
I am trying to get software for MX-880. Found the thread on remote central. Someone refers to read the sticky. What does that mean?

It means that there is a notice at the beginning of this website, that details how the 'Complete Control Program' (CCP) - the software you need to program the MX-880 (and all the other CCP remotes) - is NOT given out to end users by URC. It is available to download on the dealer website and if you are not a dealer, you won't have access to that.

Typically you would get the software from the dealer you purchased the remote from (they are allowed to do that). So if you bought the remote from a place that didn't (or wouldn't) supply you with the software... I'm truly sorry for you.

There are some places you can get the software from. I have heard about some people being able to download it from bit-torrent sites. I have no idea where these sites are. The file size is over 800MB.

Honestly I don't understand why URC just doesn't allow people to download it, since they allow the remotes in that series to be sold online by everybody and their mother, for near dealer cost anyway. Warning that the remotes don't come with a warranty does no good, when they are allowing it to happen so brazenly.
URC is only making themselves look bad. Indeed, reading general reviews online for the last several years, you would think URC was the devil.
Just stupid decision making at URC from the top down. On what otherwise are fabulous remotes... well maybe not the 880 but certainly many of their other remotes.
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