On August 31, 2006 at 11:16, KCThirstyEar said...
First of all, setting your Base to ID0 is really a bad
idea. It opens the receiver to receive ALL interefereance.
It's a test mode only. You really need to set it to
a number. I think that'll reduce your problems immensly.
Also, if you need to reduce RF reception further, a good
way to do it is take the antenna off the RFX 150 included
with the MRF300.
A lot of people believe that ID0 opens the MRF up to more interference, actually the only thing ID0 does is light the status light when it receives RF in it's range to US a problem (and of course defeats IR routing and the blaster). The MRF will be NO less prone to interference when set to a different ID you just won't have any indication of the interference unless you see the status light stay on for a bit after you release a button (a definite indication of interference).
The biggest reason it is a bad idea to leave an MRF on 0 is because if you have any neighbors with a URC (or multiple remotes in the house) their commands will be received and executed by that MRF.
I understand in this case it's because of the Denon, but changing it to a different ID shouldn't help anyway.
I don't want to insult you, but are you 100% positive of the emitter placement? Can you see the receiving eye with a flashlight? (NEVER trust those little IR symbols the eye can be anywhere)
Is the emitter flashing?