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New 810 owner- please, HELP !!!
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 24, 2008 at 12:25
Long Time Member
February 2008
I just got my 810 yesterday, spent ~4 hours programming, but it would not turn ON/OFF my ARCAM AVR300. I tried learning commands from original remote, but then realized that I can get codes for ARCAM from it's manual.

Q: how do I assign a descrete code ( a number like 124)to a button on MX810 ?

Thank you very much.

EQ. list
Samsung LN-4096D
Arcam AVR-300
SC. Atlanta 3250 HD
Toshiba DVD/VCR combo

Last edited by m1964 on February 24, 2008 13:06.
Post 2 made on Sunday February 24, 2008 at 15:08
Founding Member
October 2001
A: With the universal browser

But I fear that answer will not be very useful to you, so let me pose a question of my own.

Q: How certain are you that the programming you have done so far is correct?

If learning commands from the original remote would not get the unit to power up or down then I think that the issue is with your macro or other related programming and not with the actual IR code.

I'm not feeling up to describing how one would go about checking to make sure that the power on macro for the uncertain activity in question is correctly issuing what would be a bad code if it was in fact configured correctly.

I would try the normal troubleshooting method.

1. check factory remote can power device on and off

2. learn that command to a button somewhere temporarily and verify that the learned code functions the same as the factory remote

3. if one and two above have been done, your on/off settings for devices are most likely wrong

Good luck.
Scientific method refers to the body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday February 24, 2008 at 20:31
Long Time Member
February 2008
Thank you- I just found out that too much thinking is not good-first I tried to turn Arcam using it's decrete inputs buttons (input DVD for DVD input, and so on), and the receiver would not turn OFF when activity ended. Everything else was just fine...
So, I deleted my Arcam and added it again using URC database, now works just fine.

Coming from Harmony 659, URC's software is not as straight forward, but allows alot more customatization.

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