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MX-810 Power On Question
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Post 1 made on Monday January 7, 2008 at 17:02
Long Time Member
December 2003
I just purchased the MX-810 and I’m in the process of programming it. I have had the MX-700 for over 4 years and know how to program that device very well but it was getting a little long in the tooth. I have what may be a pretty dumb question regarding the power on button. Is it automatically programmed to turn on devices from the main screen or do you have to use an “activity” to power on several devices? On the MX-700 you could have the power on button programmed to power on several devices from the main screen. I can’t find in the product documentation if that is the same for the MX-810 or different. I can power on and off each device from the device menu once I select the device.

At this time, I have to set an “activity” like “Watch Sat TV” to power on my TV, Dish 722 and Marantz SR5300.

Please help. Thank you.
Post 2 made on Monday January 7, 2008 at 18:08
Long Time Member
July 2005
Generally, the way the MX-810 works is that it does power management for you. When you are setting up activities you tell it what you want it to turn on. The remote actually tracks on/off states for each device and will only turn on devices that are not already on. Once in an activity you can press the help button and it will allow you to power on individual devices if for some reason they are not already on.

The power on button in each activity is tied to the primary device for each activity by default. If you want to change the behavior of the power on button you can set it to pretty much whatever you want in the browser.

The power off button does the same thing for all activities by default. It turns off all your devices. If you want it to turn off only certain devices this can be configured in the tune up menu.

If you do not plan on using the activity concept then you can use the browser functionality to have a button that turns the devices on and off. However, I think giving the activity concept a try is worthwhile as it is implemented pretty well in this remote.

Hope that helps!
Post 3 made on Monday January 7, 2008 at 22:12
Long Time Member
December 2004
To add to what dalto said, when you're on the main page of the 'Activities' screen, the power on button by default will perform whatever the first activity on page one is (the top left corner of the LCD screen). Unless you've manually programmed it differently.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday January 7, 2008 at 22:29
Long Time Member
December 2003
Thank you dalto, that helped. I ended up going into Tune Up, Solve Automated Avtivities, and selected Change Power method for a Component. I then selected the descrete power on and off buttons for each component in an activity. It was buried in the new software and I didn't find it on the first few passes.

I know this is very different than the other MX series remotes and will take some effort to get used to. I'll let you know how I fare after a little more time with it. Overall, it looks like a very nice unit. Hopefully URC will fine tune this software going forward. It would also be nice to have a files section on Remote Central to archive files for the MX-810 (maybe I missed it).

Thanks again!!
OP | Post 5 made on Monday January 7, 2008 at 22:49
Long Time Member
December 2003
Thanks ScoHo. That's another great piece of information I could not find in any of the URC documentation. Very helpful. I guess I just need more time with it. I have read many of the posts regarding the MX-810 in this forum and try not to ask redundent questions (hopefully). The help is very much apprieciated!!

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