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MX810 Device Database
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 09:07
Lurking Member
January 2008
I received my MX810 and MRF350 yesterday and couldn't wait to play around with it. I installed the software which proceeded to do an update upon first launch. Once I started trying to go through the Wizard, I noticed something strange... 5 of my devices are not in the database. Only one of them is fairly new.

Is this common with the URC database? Do they update it often? I'll probably go through the IR learning this weekend. I can see doing this for 1 or 2 devices but 5?

The devices missing were:

Toshiba XA2
Panasonic BD30
Canon HV20 (Canon doesn't even show in the Manufacturer list!)
Comcast DCT3412/16

Post 2 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 09:23
Long Time Member
December 2007
Most of my devices were not in the database either. There should be lots of similar devices of the same brand though. Try those. Manufacturers usually use the same IR codes for many different models. I'd bet that any LG LCD TV device will work with yours.

I also have a Comcast DCT3416. I'm not at my computer right now, but the one I used was a Comcast DCT6420, or something like that. It was definitely a 6000 series number and works fine. You might need to say that the manufacturer is Motorola and not Comcast.

If that fails, there are plenty of codes, in the files section of this website, that you can use. I had to use them for some of the discrete codes. You probably won't have to learn anything doing that.

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