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Post 14 made on Monday April 12, 2010 at 00:11
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On April 11, 2010 at 23:50, GregoriusM said...
MrKlaatu!!! Another poster with a... well... let me say... colourful personality... different but equally entertaining as our djy!


Do any of you remember the lawyer guy who posted quite a bit about 10 years ago, and then fell off the face of the earth?

was that his handle or profession? I t is not clicking who you are talking about.

But since we are reminiscing, how about eeper (DJY used to have contact with him a lot, don’t know if he still does)? Ken (pizza guy in Florida), alpha2data (or something like that, internet sales guy, got into a nasty fight with some dude on here and then that guy started making bad posts using that name and Daniel added registration to make sure it did not happen again),

And our vixen Cybervixen who I was secretly hoping was going to steal away with me in the middle of the night... I love geeky younger females! *grin*

the only issue with geeky younger females on a forum, is that I assume they are not younger females

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