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Post 1 made on Friday November 20, 2009 at 13:09
Long Time Member
November 2009
New to this forum, and am looking for some general advice and help on setting up my Home Theater and Rec Room area for AV and Lighting control.

System Hardware to be controlled:
Onkyo Reciever
PS3 - Blueray
Panasonic AE3000 Projector
6 Seperate Zones of Lighting

Controller - URC MX-980
MRF-350 with RFX 250 Module for RF control
Audio Authority BlueBeam for IR to Bluetooth control of PS3

Looking for help and suggestion about lighting control specifically.

I am confused as to what to buy. What is the simplest setup and switch combo. Should I be looking for the URC MRF Dimmers or will this lead to issues with scene control and seperate zones. Is there another solution which the MX-980 will be able to control. I have Cat5e running to all my lighting switches so I could utlize that to control some other type of lighting via RF350 to IR etc.

Some have suggest X-10 not sure what the simplest solution for me would be. Cost is a concern as the Lutron RA are pricey and am wondering if using the MRF350 I could do some other control system.

Please help

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