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Post 8 made on Sunday January 27, 2008 at 14:28
Long Time Member
November 2003
On January 27, 2008 at 13:19, Deaky said...
If you place the script on the 'Advanced tab' of your
device properties then it will work on every page of that
activity. This is useful if you want the rotary wheel
to act the same on every page of your device.

OK - One question - Having placed the script in my device properties, the wheel now clicks, and the debug screen (which I added) works showing wheel left and wheel right movement being detected, BUT I get the following prontoscript error for every left or right move of the wheel....

ProntoScript error: TypeErrorCFWidget ("RIGHT","ACTIONS","RESOURCES") has no properties

The button I have placed on device RESOURSES on page ACTIONS has an IR code assigned to it and I cannot work out what properties it is expecting!!!

Help (please!)

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