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Post 8 made on Friday September 22, 2006 at 19:37
Loyal Member
April 2006
On September 22, 2006 at 15:53, sparky3 said...
Hello, I've had a few URC products over the last few years,
including a MX-500, MX-350 and MX-650.

I bought the MX-900 to control:

Marantz SR7400 receiver
Sony 50" Grand Wega RP LCD
Sony Tivo SVR-2000
Sony DVD/VCR combo
Shuttle PC in the basment (learned commands through a
IR keyboard)
Phatnoise Home Digital Media Player
Voom Satellite receiver (for OTA HD, since Time Warner
doesn't get Fox/ABC in HD)
Scientific Atlanta 8300HD

Well, I'm a firm believer in hard buttons, and the fatal
flaw in my opinion with the MX-900 (and 950 IMO) is the
lack of the central "gemstone" keypad in the center.
With any of my other URC remotes, I had FF and Rewind
mapped to the "Right and Left" keys on the URC, and the
"FF and Rewind" keys function as "Right and Left".

We're heavy Tivo/HD fast forwarders / rewinders, so we
never needed to look at the remote to FF/RW Tivo or 8300HD
content. Now, with the MX-900, I find myself constantly
feeling for the FF/RW buttons and have hit "skip" on accident
many times. If I map the central keypad to FF/RW, then
there's no logical buttons to replace "Right and Left".

Problem #2 - I have a pc in the basement with VGA 15 pin
out, which goes to a RGB -> Component transceiver, then
to an audio/video balun which takes component + digital
audio across UTP (Ethernet). Upstairs, there is another
exact dongle which takes it back to component + digital
audio. Works great. I control the pc with a small IR
keyboard with a built-in mouse, and blast the IR to a
little Radio Shack Triangular receiver, and the transmitter
is in the basement blasting to the IR reciever that came
with the keyboard. Works great; I can surf the web, play
downloaded movies etc. to the big screen upstairs. But
the key thing I like to do is run winamp, and have the
ability to load various playlists with the remote control.
For example, I'll have a predefined playlist with Big
Band songs. In Windows XP, I have that .m3u playlist
file setup to execute when CTRL+ALT+9 is hit. The MX-350
and MX-900 had trouble learning these types of IR sequences,
but the MX-650 (and MX-500) learned them without a hitch.
I have a macro that executes CTRL+SHIFT+K (This starts
the visualizations), then a pause, then F2 (Displays artist/song
info), then F3 (Displays song time elapsed).
At any rate, the MX-900 absolutely refuses to learn some
of these codes. I've tried it many different ways, and
the MX-650 seems like it will learn anything where the
MX-900 fails.

#3 - I hate the "Learn" and "Watch" Buttons. Perhaps
in time I'd get used to this, but for now it feels like
I have to remind myself to hit that button first. With
the MX-650 I have 10 hard buttons and the top and it's
easier for my wife to hit "AM/FM" from the main page than
"Listen"..."AM/FM". It's just an unnecessary extra step.

#4 - More on the FF/RW - with the buttons being that low
on the remote, it's awkward on your thumb to hold the
remote if you're fast fowarding through a long movie or
sporting event.

#5 - No hard "Favorites" button. What a mistake!

#6 - No hard "Record" button! Sure, I can add this to
the LCD menu, but with all the Tivos and DVRs these days,
what a hassle!

I will say the programming sofware is very slick, but
once you program your remote they way you want it, what's
the point? It's not worth the extra $$$ to me for this
feature. I don't change components often enough to justify
the extra cost.

So anyway, I'm selling the MX-900, complete with box,
manual, etc. Email me ( if you're
interested. I would take a MX-650 + cash, provided everything
works on it.


I hate hearing this! Knowing how great a remote the 900 will be proven to be I wish you would give it another try.

I would even be willing to send you a 900 file I have done so you can see how the buttons layout and how favs are used with nav/returns.
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA

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