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Post 17 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 19:50
Active Member
February 2004
A macro calling a macro is a great way to program your MX-900 and up. I do this a lot, when a customer presses off from any device it will call the system off macro. This allows me to make a single macro for system off and call it from many places.

The problem with importing the macro to every off button is that when the customer adds a component I would have to go back to every off button and change each macro. My way allows me to add a single off command for the new component in the system off macro and it will be executed no matter where it is called from.

Why not use the ON/OFF punch through? Because I would like to keep the ON button as device power and the off as a system macro.

As Mike said a single-step macro is no different than a shortcut and it is as simple as creating a shortcut.

On October 2, 2006 at 02:13, netarc said...
Yes, I hope URC is listening ... when the MX900 was first
released I provided feedback re: why removing shortcuts
was not a good idea, but all I heard back was "copy &
paste replaces it." :(

copy and paste does not replace a shortcut, a single step macro does. As stated earlier copying and pasting will not retain your IR/RF and routing.
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