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Post 3 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 02:13
Senior Member
May 2004
Weird problem you're having. Have you sent any of your
configurations to URC or anyone else to try to duplicate?
If it's not a problem with your PC, you may have exceeded
some limit in your MXF file.

Yes, on that last thread I'd sent some MXFs off for analysis, but iirc never heard back anything; then, one day, the problem was suddenly resolved ... I went from seeing it often to *never* ... however, it cropped up again (using the same laptop this whole time, mind you - and no, no significant software installs/changes during that time). As for suspecting the MXF file - I had thought perhaps this could be traced to a "corrupt" MXF file issue (since the first remotes I'd seen this on had been edited/updated _many_ times), but I programmed a new MX850 this weekend with a *from scratch* MXF file, and only three devices (Comcast 6412, Pio Elite display and Pio Elite DVD changer), and the problem occurred upon the very first download!

I'm surprised they'd drop shotcuts from the MX900, that
was a very handy concept, and without it you can't control
multiple MRF stations from the same screen.

Watch out for the dropped key problems with the MX900's
too ...

Yes, I hope URC is listening ... when the MX900 was first released I provided feedback re: why removing shortcuts was not a good idea, but all I heard back was "copy & paste replaces it." :(

Other CIs - if shortcuts are important to you, please add your comments to this thread?

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