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Post 1 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 01:21
Senior Member
May 2004
Ach ... I am *done* with the MX-850 - I love this remote, but after grappling with the Invalid Answer-LimitedProgramLoadToRC [LPLTR-2] MX programming error five too many times over this past week (each time requiring a battery pull and hard reset) - with different remotes & different MXF config files - I'm not using this remote any more. It's too bad, because my clients love it, and I really like the fact that it has ten side-by-side LCD buttons and the form factor ... but it's just not worth it any more, since I get this error 4 times out of 5 when downloading a config - combine this with the slow programming, and I'm done.

The MX900 is a decent replacement (really fast download, and no errors ... yet), but I have a handful of gripes about this, and am wondering if URC would be willing to listen to some suggestions for enhancement?

1. Bring back SHORTCUTS, please!! Ability to copy & paste is great, but it's not a replacement ... for one thing, when editing a macro that's referenced in multiple places (e.g., SYSTEM OFF), it's *so much* better to have the macro in one place and then use the shortcut method to reference it elsewhere.

2. Another reason for shortcut support is when one device is using RF, but you want a reference on said device's page for an IR device (e.g., DVD device page uses RF, but contains references to display's commands, such as "pic mode" or "aspect ratio," and display is controlled using IR). When you copy and paste the display devices command to the DVD device, the command then becomes RF-based ... in order to enable this, you have to set the DVD device to use "IR & RF."

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