There are many ways the rfx antennas can be wired and work great but this is why URC recommends doing it the way Eric Johnson said:
By using all striped wires as ground and 2 solid color conductors for data you are using 1 as data and 1 as ground on each of two pairs which means the twisting of the pairs will help reject interference. This is the way cat5 was designed to work.
Twisting a voltage and ground probably doesn't benefit you in and of itself but another great benefit in this wiring scheme is that ALL UNUSED WIRES ARE GROUNDED. This will eliminate the possibility that the unused wires can act as an antenna and receive unwanted signals and proliferate crosstalk between emitter ports.
I would recommend using their method because there is a lot of great theory behind it, and it can't hurt. You really close a lot of doors when you do this and are much less likely to have problems.
There are 10 types of people in this world, There are those who understand binary, and those who don't!