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Post 2 made on Wednesday November 22, 2006 at 23:34
RC Consultant
December 1999
The MX-950 runs on Windows CE, hence the need for ActiveSync, as does the MX-3000.

The MX-900 runs on URC's properietary software.

As far as importing files from earlier remotes, that's probably something that has been asked of URC more than once!

AvantGo Connect used to be called Mobile Link, and is used to connect a server to a mobile device. In this case it, as well as ActiveSync, show the MX-3000 as the device, even though it works with the MX-950. Both use the same Windows CE OS, and are identified as an MX-3000. It probably shouldn't be labeled with these labels, but that's the way it is!

I've seen mislabeled references in URC's software before, so it might very well be relabled in future revisions, but since it doesn't affect the connection between the MX-950 or the MX-3000, I'm not sure they'll worry about it.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.

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