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Post 7 made on Sunday November 19, 2006 at 21:56
Long Time Member
July 2004
On November 19, 2006 at 18:41, SOUND.SD said...
To the Thread starter...... Whats wrong with programming
a button for LIST or DVR as you call it. Any button.....
+10 ..... ENT ...... or the fantastic LCD.

Not all boxes have a "list" some are "TiVo" or many other
options so your idea wont happen for a long time. This
is why they have the LCD screen.

Right now, since I have an 850, I have skip forward/back mapped to the +10/ENT buttons. Though I have never liked programming misc buttons to buttons that are labeled differently. It makes explaining the remote to someone infinitely more difficult.

I have my "DVR" lcd button in both the Main Menu and the Cable Menu. If I'm in another menu (such as favorites or audio, etc) I have to press "Main" then "DVR." Most people have dvr's now, at least they're standard issue rental boxes from cable and satellite companies. Also more and more people are getting/building htpc's. I don't think having a hard button that I use as much as Guide or Info is such a crazy idea.

The reason I like my 850 and the rest of the urc pro lineup is because of the hard buttons. I store all my macros, fav's and miscellaneous rarely used buttons up in the lcd. As for naming the button, use anything, LIST works for me.

edit: Looking at the RTI again I notice the * button where the +10 button is on the urc. That's might work nicely as a List button, at least it'll be easier to teach the girlfriend.

Last edited by DylanG on November 20, 2006 00:05.

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