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Post 7 made on Friday December 28, 2007 at 21:16
Lurking Member
June 2005
remotejr - I did the live update - it didn't fix it.
KVH - I need 5 seconds since my Denon 4308 is **potentially** powering up when I have set it lower than 5 seconds (I know!) it doesn't always receive the input command.

Well it appears that the issue is with my graphics. I uninstalled, wiped my registry, and reinstalled and started from scratch with NO personal graphics and I got everything working - well so far. All the macros that I had originally are working in the remote. I am going to get everything working with the Universal generic graphics, then add in my custom graphics and let you know what happens.

Thank you all for all your help - will let you know if I can find out the exact bug!

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