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Post 4 made on Saturday March 15, 2008 at 18:20
Founding Member
March 2002
On March 15, 2008 at 17:44, cb1 said...
try IR FIRST with the 980, how does taht respond? If
it responds as you like, then it is an RF problem, set
the 350 in "sniffer" mode (set address to "0") make sure
there is no rf interference (light should not light up
or flicker, unless a command is sent to it) once you
find a clean location, set the 350 to an address of your
liking( be sure to change the programming in the programming
software) If it is still there, adjust the emmitter sensitivity.

Thanks for the reply. I am not seeing any RF interference at all while in sniffer mode. After that I moved it to channel F and did the same for my remote software. When I use IR only it responds much better, but still not as good as my mx500. I see no difference when I change the emitter sensitivity while in RF only mode. Chad

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