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Post 6 made on Tuesday April 26, 2005 at 04:56
Lurking Member
April 2005
On 04/24/05 19:50 ET, Peter Dewildt said...
Have you tried searching for threads containing
"Barco"? There should be quite a few.

Didnīt find anything helpful.... But i did find this!


I'm afraid I'm going to be the bearer of bad news, but neither the TSU3000 nor 7000 (nor the Neo for that matter) will work for the Barco 808/1208 series projectors. The earlier Prontos worked fine, but not these models. I've reported the problem to Philips and they initially tried to help, but eventually they just stopped responding to my emails and seem to have lost interest.

Some of the very helpful and knowlegable members of the forum here have also helped out with some experiments, but alas, they too were unsuccessful, so it looks like that is how it will stay.

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