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Post 1 made on Friday March 10, 2006 at 10:40
Long Time Member
October 2005
I built my configuration file based on Daniel's excellent PCF file. I have had the TSU7000 for 5-6 months during which time the remote performance has never been an issue as everything has worked flawlessly.

However, recently I noticed that it takes 3-4 seconds to change screens where previously it was taking maybe 1 second to change screens. After searching through this forum I noticed that this is not an uncommon issue with version 3.8.14 of the firmware (which I have).

I read somewhere that reuploading my PCF file into the TSU7000 would reset the remote and reclaim the lost memory. I tried this and it does seem to have corrected the problem as I am able to change screens now again in about 1 second. Further reading indicated that I may continue to experience this problem in the future and my remote will have to either be periodically reset by pushing the reset button or by uploading my PCF file into the remote.

My PCF layout is very mild, 6 devices with a handful of macros to turn on/off my home theater for various viewing modes.

Is a periodic reset of my remote the best solution to keep it performing a peak efficiency? Any comments welcome.

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