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Post 24 made on Wednesday April 23, 2003 at 22:10
Aussie AV
Long Time Member
February 2003
Glad to here you got the digital going, but if you thought that the analogue Dolby Pro-Logic sounded better that Dolby Digital, you've still got a bit of tweaking to do.

Now I know its the last thing any self-respecting male will do (I apologise if you are female, but statistically you are more likely to be male), but you are going to have to take a look at the manuals. Its an affront to our masculinity I agree, but it should help you get better sound.

The DVD player will probably have someting called DRC (dynamic range control) which you can try turning off. Also speaker levels, distances, sizes etc will need to be setup on your receiver.

Its going to take a bit of time, but its worth it, otherwise you won't get the best out of your system.

While Digital Surround Sound systems will work "plug and Play", the only way to get them sounding their best is to take the time to go through the manual and set them up properly, or get some professional help in.

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