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Post 19 made on Wednesday April 23, 2003 at 12:46
Long Time Member
April 2003
So the standard plugs I have are fine? I didn't think that it was coaxial, given my limited knowledge of coaxial(for tv cable). They don't look the same, so I thought that it was different. It HAS to be coaxial though, right? I seriously don't think these are coaxial($4 from wal-mart[red, white and yellow]). So if I don't have component video on my tv or receiver, I should toss those cables aside, right? I should go buy a coaxial with RCA's(for digital dvd sound through receiver), and a digital optical(for digital cd sound through the receiver), right? Now when I hook up RCA's from dvd digital to receiver digital, there is no sound, is that because I don't have coaxial RCA's?

sleepless in st. joseph

This message was edited by fullflava on 04/23/03 12:53.

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