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Post 11 made on Sunday March 30, 2003 at 20:23
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
sean's solution is right, but

On 03/28/03 18:03, Sean Ahrens said...
This is how you get it to work. Go to radio shack
and by a mono stereo plug. Now cut one end of
the plug off and connect the copper wire to the
IR in on the connecting block) Secondly use the
shield, which is braided silver wires and connect
that to the ground.

Now, plug the other enf of the plug into the back
of the TV.

Heres the problem you probably connected a 5mm
plug into the Xanatech IR connecting block, which
is bad.. That 5mm plug input on the xanatech connecting block is looking for a stereo connection (three wires) for their own brand of IR emitters. So,
what happens is you ground out the power supply
and your transformer gets really hot (little fire
hazard.) Xanatech does not tell you that the 5mm
plug input is stereo and the connecting block
is mono!...

RTFM, even if it is just a small piece of paper in the box.

The xantech blocks use mono jacks for the IR emitter outputs and stereo jacks for the Ir sensor inputs, and the instructions say DO NOT PLUG EMITTERS INTO THE IR INPUT JACKS. why? Because they will blow, and the power supply will heat up or die.

If you need to replace the power supply, use a 12 volt regulated or 9 volt unregulated power supply. The Xantech stuff needs 12 volts, and 12 volt unregulated supplies typically put out about 16 volts until you load them down quite a bit.
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