Your Universal Remote Control Center
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Post 17 made on Monday August 11, 2003 at 21:22
RC Moderator
October 2002
On 08/11/03 20:15, AVDesignPro said...
Now in the consumer market unless it's
just a huge system my choice would be Xantech
for ease of use per room. Xantech doesnt have
the flashiest product but it is rock solid and
if done right is install it and move on to the
next job. That's the kind of control I like! Oh
Crestron in the Theater!

I havent the slightest idea what you mean here.... Xantech has a lot of cool handy black boxes, but not a single user friendly remote control.

You cant posibly mean you hand clients URC-2p's????? How do they control PVRs??? The Transport commands share the same buttons as the Navigation Buttons.....

Back to the Drawing board Xantech..............

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