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Original thread:
Post 1 made on Saturday May 15, 2004 at 22:19
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
For those of us tired of merely associating words, here's a thread with the opposite goal in mind: words or phrases should APPEAR to be COMPLETELY UNRELATED to the previous one. Only YOU should know how the two relate (and it's up to us to figure it out). Remember, don't go overboard: the solution should make sense!

For example:

candy apple

Obvious associations:
orange (both a color and a fruit)
car (they come candy apple red)
teeth (cavities by too many candy apples)
city (New York = big apple)
holiday (receiving candy apples at Halloween)
...and so on.

Not-so-obvious associations:
pine tree (associatied with Christmas and thus candy canes)
Michigan (their state flower is the apple blossom)
Steve (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers)
...and so on.

Before posting your seemingly non-related response, try to come up with some form of association between the previous two posts!

To get the ball rolling:


Last edited by Daniel Tonks (moderator) on March 27, 2009 14:18.

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