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Post 1 made on Sunday September 7, 2003 at 23:43
Founding Member
April 2002
I have searched the forums but no one answers in a specific way as to what is "a" basic setup.

Okay, so I've been using my Pronto Pro TSU6000 for over 18 months now and I'm all fine and dandy with it. I live in the US.

Yesterday I was at Fry's and I had to buy these X 10 devices
X-10 Powerhouse Lampe Module LM465
X-10 Powerhouse Wall Dimmer RWS17.

So I got the X10 codes that exist here in the file section

Next I guess I need to get a transciever... the IR543 (or 4040) and if I'm using RF, I need to built a RFtoRF to change 418MHz-to-310MHz.

Do I need to know anything else ?
Will my dimmer and lampe module work with the IR543 being that they are made by powerhouse ?

And if I use and RFtoRF, do I still need to get an IR543 or should I get something that listens to RF instead ?

And what's the best way to do all this ?
Meaning best products ? Are there any ?

Did I get it all right ?

Pronto ---(RF)--- RFtoRF---Philipps RF extender---IR543---X10 Lamp Module.

Correct ?

One last thing... Could someone help me understand what is needed to built an RFtoRF. I went to the web site but he doesn't name the components..

Thanks in advance... ;-)

This message was edited by chezpaul on 09/08/03 02:50.

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