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Post 52 made on Wednesday March 21, 2007 at 13:56
RC Moderator
August 2001
Goodness, I've had my wrists slapped and I'd not even replied . . . until now of course.

On March 20, 2007 at 12:19, Deafears said...
If a speaker, (i.e, 3 or 4 way) has a sensitivity of 101db,
1w @ 1m, am I to assume that all of the drivers in the
array are of this average efficiency, or does the box
contribute to this . I have looked for speakers with high
sensitivity ratings, and there are not that many to be
found, several woofers, at best? How do these high end
manufacturer's obtain these extremely efficient set-ups?
It also seems that the passive crossovers found in most
would also negate some level of sensitivity.

Serious answer . . .

Generally high sensitivity/efficiency loudspeakers are usually, though not exclusively, the preserve of horn types. These were born of the need to produce a large sound from piddly valve amps which, way back in the years of the ark, were the norm.

Again it usual, though not exclusively so, to find them employing a single full range driver so, consequently, a crossover is not used. More details about this approach can be found here.

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