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Post 28 made on Saturday January 22, 2005 at 13:50
Lurking Member
January 2005
It is really amazing that too many people have the same problem.. I have a VR-507 for three years, and my problem with the remore began exactly 1.5 years ago. First it did not work occasionally, than it started to work occasionally, now it only works very rarely.

One of thing I realized when it was not working properly first is that things improved when I disconnected the radio antenna.. It improved its working chance somehow, but after a while, even if the antenna was not connected, it again stopped working properly.

I agree with most of users here.. The receiver is the problem, not the remote. I do not have any difficulty to use the DVD or the satellite receiver with the same remote, so it must definitely be the receiver..

One thing I can think of is the IR receiver (probably a photo detector) might be covered with dust in time which stops it to work properly. Probably, the people who tap the bezel actually manage to remove some of the dust on the detector and therefore it starts to work for a while until that part covered with dust again.. I am really curious what the person who is planning to open the front bezel will find... Of course, everything I wrote are speculation :-|

This message was edited by silhouette on 01/22/05 14:02 ET.

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